Family Office
Because of our expertise and network, it is also possible to offer you family office services.
The family office services that we offer directly are:
- Accountancy
- Consolidated reports
- Performance reporting
- Tax advice
The jurisdiction in which we provide family office services is Curaçao, through the SPF (Foundation). SPF stands for “Stichting Particulier Fonds”.
Christian Cruden – Administrator and Financial Advisor
Legal Form
Legal Form
An SPF is a foundation in which assets can be trusted. The SPF is established with a notarial deed and entered into a foundations register on Curacao. Assets/capital are then entered by the founder into the foundation. The contributor is no longer entitled to the contributed capital from that moment on.
In the bylaws, it is subsequently designated who the directors and beneficiaries of the foundation are. A financial institution (such as a trust office) executes these instructions.
On Curaçao there are numerous reputable international trust companies that can be of service to you. A good example is for instance Intertrust (
We will of course help you make the right choice and we will gladly inform you extensively about the possibilities and the tax consequences.
¿Why CFS?
¿Why CFS?
Of course, commercial banks are standing in line to manage your money. Although they are professional, they also have drawbacks. Too often changing teams, too uninterested, too impersonal. At CFS it is really only one thing: service, service and another service.
The SPF is not liable to corporation tax on Curaçao, nor about investment results. The SPF is also exempt from donation tax to persons living outside Curaçao.